Chinch Bugs Calgary
Professional Chinch Bug Control for Calgary Homeowners
Calgary’s family-owned lawn care and pest control specialists, committed to excellence since 2011. Trust us for local expertise and a personal touch.
Cougarstone Lawn Care - Chinch Bug Control Services
- 230 Cougarstone Circle SW, Calgary, AB T3H 4W4
- (403) 324-5296
- Monday - Friday / 9 AM to 5 PM
Our Chinch Bug Control Program uses safe and professional products rid your lawn of pesky chinch bugs. Safe for pets and children, our program guarantees that your chinch bugs will be gone after our professional treatment.
Our Services & Risk Free Guarantee!
Discover the Cougerstone Lawn Care is your Calgary lawn care company! Our Lawn Care and Pest Patrol Services are second to none and will have you enjoying your yard again in no time.
Lawn Care Services
Pest Control Services

Start enjoying a pest free yard this summer
The Chinch Bug Control Program
This is the solution to your property’s chinch bug problem. Our Chinch Bug Control Program will start working immediately to eradicate the active adult and juvenile chinch bugs in your lawn.
We will schedule the applications according to the time of year and severity of the infestation.
Contact us today to get your price.

How Does The Chinch Bug Control Program Work?
Initial Visit
Here’s the updated content with the internal link added:
After you sign up for the program, we will visit your property and do an assessment. We will confirm that you indeed have chinch bugs, and your lawn will be treated at that time. (Don’t worry, if you don’t have chinch bugs, we won’t treat your lawn or charge you). If you’re dealing with other pests, check out our vole removal services in Calgary to protect your lawn from further damage.
Second Visit
We will automatically schedule a second treatment for your lawn. This 2nd visit is typically done from mid-July to mid-September and will be properly scheduled according to when your first application took place. We will send you an alert the day before your service to let you know that we are coming. You don’t need to be home. Just make sure your gates are unlocked and pets are inside.
How We Treat Chinch Bugs in Calgary
We treat the lawn with a truck mounted sprayer and a long hose that will reach every area of your property. After the treatment is applied, we ask that you and your pets stay off the lawn until it is dry. It may only take a couple hours (depending on the weather) and once it’s dry, then you can use your lawn as usual.
Chinch Bug Control Program FAQs
We’ve got the answers to all your chinch bug questions, keep reading!
Typically, once you have chinch bugs, they will stay until treated. If left unchecked, the problem will get worse over the course of the summer. Adults will hibernate over the winter and the problem will get progressively worse the following year as adults come out of their over-winter spots and new eggs hatch. Harsh winters can influence chinch bug population as some adults will not survive. Mild winters can have the opposite effect and cause spikes in chinch bug populations.
The optimal time to treat chinch bugs is during the late spring to early summer when they are most active. This is typically from June to August. Early detection and treatment are key to preventing significant damage to your lawn.
The most effective chinch bug control involves using targeted insecticides that are safe for your lawn and environment. Our team at Cougarstone Lawn Care uses industry-leading products and methods to ensure efficient and lasting results.
To effectively get rid of chinch bugs, start with regular lawn maintenance, including proper mowing, watering, and fertilization. If you suspect an infestation, contact Cougarstone Lawn Care. We offer professional treatments tailored to your lawn's specific needs, ensuring comprehensive control and prevention.
By golly some people have tried, usually with limited results. We have heard of spraying dish soap, which seemed to kill the chinch bugs it touched, but could never get the ones deep in the thatch layer where they live. Also, putting that much dish soap into your lawn can’t be good for it either. Others have tried using products from box stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s, some of which were not even labelled for use in lawns, which is never recommended.
While Dawn dish soap is sometimes suggested as a home remedy for chinch bugs, it is not a reliable or effective solution. It might kill some bugs on contact but won't address the entire infestation. For effective and long-lasting control, it's best to rely on professional treatments.
What are Chinch Bugs anyway?
A chinch bug is a turf grass pest that feeds on the sap of the grass plant and damages it by injecting a poison. They live in the lawn and can destroy an entire yard in as little as 3 years if the problem is not fixed.
Chinch bugs are a big problem in several communities in Calgary and are almost impossible to control on your own. They can kill your lawn very quickly when the infestation gets bad enough and usually requires professional help. Our expert chinch bug treatment Calgary services are designed to eliminate these pests effectively. Don’t let chinch bugs ruin your lawn—trust our chinch bug treatment Calgary specialists to protect and restore your property. For reliable and efficient chinch bug treatment Calgary, contact us today!
“Chinch” is pronounced “Chin – ch” but it is also acceptable to pronounce it “Sinch”
Calgary chinch bugs primarily feed on grass blades. They extract nutrients by piercing the grass and sucking out the sap, which can lead to widespread damage to lawns if not controlled properly.
Usually, you will know that you have a chinch bug problem when the sunniest parts of your lawn are starting to brown, and the brown areas get worse even when watering your lawn adequately. Chinch bug damage looks similar to drought damage! When chinch bug infestations are bad enough, you may see black adult chinch bugs crawling on cement sidewalks and patios in the heat of the day.
While chinch bugs aren't harmful to humans, they are harmful to lawns. These bugs can cause significant damage to grass by sucking the sap out of grass blades and injecting a toxin that disrupts water movement within the plant, leading to brown patches in the turf.
Chinch bugs are getting to be a quite a huge issue in certain Calgary communities. They love sunny, dry areas of the lawn and can cause significant damage to your grass. If you have areas that receive a lot of sun, your property may be more susceptible to a chinch bug infestation. Chinch bugs also tend to favour lawns with a thick layer of thatch, so managing your thatch layer by proper lawn care techniques can help.
In 2023 we saw the most chinch bug damage in Southeast Calgary. The communities that were the most affected were: Mackenzie Lake, Mackenzie Towne, Auburn Lake, Cranston, New Brighton, Mahogany, Copperfield & Douglasdale. Some other nearby communities had chinch bugs, but not as prevalent of the ones mentioned above.
In North Calgary, we saw an increase in chinch bug activity over the previous years. The Northwest communities that were most affected were: Hamptons, Edgemont, Panorama Hills, Citadel and Huntington Hills.
Choose the Right Package for You
Cougarstone Lawn Care is Calgary’s leading service for tackling various lawn pests. We’re committed to eco-friendly practices, ensuring our Pest Control Calgary team is ready to handle issues from subterranean pests to those that threaten from above. Our sustainable approach keeps your lawn safe and thriving.

If you have little rodents called voles tearing up your lawn or digging holes, we have the solution for you. Our season long Vole Control Program will exterminate the voles on your property and keep you protected for the entire season.

Chinch bugs are a huge issue in some areas of Calgary and they can cause tremendous damage to your lawn. Our Chinch Bug Control Program will save your lawn from these nasty bugs.

Ants, spiders, and other creepy crawlies can really “bug” you when you are relaxing in your yard, and you don’t want them getting into your house. Our Perimeter Insect Control Program can help eliminate these annoying insects.
Author: Michael Denis